Meet Julie Canning, RDH, Myofunctional Therapist

Julie Canning

Dental Hygienist, Oral Myofunctional Therapist

As a Registered Dental Hygienist with over forty years of experience, I began to notice that several of my patients (adults and children alike) had many previously unrecognized and untreated oral myofunctioal disorders (OMD). These disorders, such as mouth breathing, tongue-ties, snoring, clenching and grinding, sleep, eating and swallowing dysfunction were having a detrimental effect, not only on their oral health, but their overall health and thus their everyday lives as well.

Building on my background in dentistry and my dental hygiene career, I began my training and received my certificate in Oral Myofunctional Therapy. The field of Myofunctional Therapy is rapidly growing, driven by new research and increased awareness of the airway, mouth and tongue in our overall health. My work focuses on targeting ineffective oral and facial functions, behaviors and habits to help my patients create a more healthful, balanced life.

If you feel that you or a family member may benefit from Myofunctional Therapy, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me to schedule a consultation.

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